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Coconut truffles with dark chocolate

In this festive month, Termas de Chaves complete its Christmas dinner with three vegetarian and healthy festive recipes. Combining classic Christmas flavors, these are options that perfectly combine flavor and health. For starters, we present an Almond and Fruit Salad, then Wellington Vegetariano and, for dessert, Coconut Truffles with Dark Chocolate. Let's do it?

After a delicious and nutritious Wellington, count on these truffles to sweeten the palate. With 70% dark chocolate, the candy provides an increase in metabolism, as it intensifies the burning of calories. Another classic benefit of cocoa is providing a feeling of well-being, because of the release of serotonin.

Surprise yourself!

Click here for the starter recipe and here for the main dish.

Coconut truffles with dark chocolate


270 g of grated coconut

100 g of dark chocolate (70%)

8 tablespoons of peanut butter or coconut

8 tablespoons of rice jelly or agave

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Preparation Mode

Place the grated coconut in a food processor together with the peanut or coconut butter, rice or agave jelly and vanilla essence and process until it has a sticky consistency that allows you to shape the balls. With the help of your hands, form the truffles, pressing them well to make them compact.

Decorate the truffles with the chocolate that has already been melted in a bain-marie.

Finally, let the truffles rest for approximately 1 hour in the fridge.
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